SANG NI(Sang is my last name) is a Feminist, East Asian(Chinese), Dreamer, Graphic Designer, and INFP. She holds a BFA degree in Graphic Design from Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in the US. Currently she is working on her Master of Media Design in Keio University, Tokyo. She loves Tako wasabi and melon.

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SANG NI(Sang is my last name) is a Feminist, East Asian(Chinese), Dreamer, Graphic Designer, and INFP. She holds a BFA degree in Graphic Design from Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in the US. Currently she is working on her Master of Media Design in Keio University, Tokyo. She loves Tako wasabi and melon.


  1. LVMBR

Contact me if you wanna chat...

Brand Design ︎

[Living Member]
[Project Year — 2022]
[Brand Intro —
Living Member was created in Beijing in 2022. The brand aims the Gen Z, who follows the latest lifestyle trends and social hotspots, as the main target. Living Member addresses the idea of conveying “perceptual freedom”. “Every creative move is associated with the regained freedom of our perception,” a quote that inspires the designer, who interprets it through her designs, articulates the concept of liberating our true and fresh selves from conventionality, connecting to each other, to the brand and society through clothing as a medium.]

Email me if you wanna collaborate or just simply say hi. ︎︎︎❤️️